A Chipmunk Christmas is an animated Christmas television special starring Alvin and the Chipmunks. It first aired on December 14, 1981, approximately nine years after the death of the Chipmunks' creator, Ross Bagdasarian, Sr. It was one of the first television specials in which his son, Ross Jr., provided voice work for the characters, and features their famous Christmas song, "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)".
The special begins with a doctor visiting the Waterford family whose son, Tommy, is sick in bed. He admits that the chances of him getting well by Christmas are slim.
Meanwhile, the Chipmunks are going to a recording session. Alvin is not very happy about having to work on Christmas, but after Dave tells him that he can play his prized Golden Echo harmonica, he suggests that Dave can get the studio ready while he, Simon, and Theodore go window shopping. Dave agrees and tells them not to be late.
At the music store, Alvin sees another Golden Echo harmonica on display and tells his own that it's the best one in the world. At that moment, Mrs. Waterford and her daughter, Angela, arrive, and Alvin overhears Angela tell Mrs. Waterford that if Tommy had the harmonica, it would make him feel better. Alvin feels so bad about Tommy's illness that he can't sing in tune with Simon and Theodore during the recording session. He talks Dave into letting them take a break and then goes to the Waterfords' house to give his own harmonica to Tommy, returning in time to finish the session.
Later, while they are decorating their Christmas tree, Alvin explains what he did to Simon and Theodore, and tells them that he can't tell Dave because he gave him the harmonica long ago. He is worried that Dave's feelings would be hurt if he learned what happened, so after Christmas, he plans to save up his money and buy a new one as a replacement. Unfortunately, Dave then gets a phone call from Carnegie Hall, which wants Alvin to play a harmonica solo on Christmas Eve. Realizing that he is now going to need to buy a new one before Christmas, he devises a plan to earn enough money for it.
The Chipmunks gather up eight of the neighborhood dogs, dress them up as reindeer, and set up a photo booth, where children can have their picture taken with Santa (Alvin). Unfortunately, the presence of a cat ruins the whole thing, and draws Dave's attention. When the Chipmunks try to explain to him what happened, saying that Alvin wants to buy something, he mistakes Alvin's actions for greed, and sends him, Simon, and Theodore to their room. This leads to a dream sequence in which he meets Clyde Crashcup, who says that he invented Christmas (which is now on February 12) and Santa (Abraham Lincoln in a sleigh consisting of a hollowed-out pumpkin pulled by four elephants). Alvin tries to tell him that he needs money, and when Dave comes to check on him, he is saying "money" in his sleep, causing Dave to give up.
On Christmas Eve, two hours before the concert, Simon and Theodore give Alvin the money they have saved up for a new book and wish him luck on buying the harmonica. When Dave asks where he went, they lie and say they don't know. Luckily, just as he is complaining, he gets a phone call from Mrs. Waterford, who tells him about Alvin's harmonica and the wonders it made for Tommy.
At the music store, Alvin is depressed, as he still doesn't have enough money to buy a new harmonica. Just then, a strange old woman appears, and buys it for him, only asking him to play a song for her in return but disappears by the end. Dave, Simon, and Theodore arrive, and Dave apologizes to Alvin and tells him they have a surprise for him. At the concert, he learns that Tommy is all better, and he joins the Chipmunks on stage.
At the end, Santa Claus flies over the city as we hear the Chipmunks singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". When he returns to the North Pole, he is greeted by Mrs. Claus, the same old woman who bought the harmonica for Alvin.
- "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas"
- "Wonderful Day"
- "Jingle Bells"
- "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)"
- "The Spirit of Christmas"
- "Silent Night"
- "Sleigh Ride"
- "Deck the Halls"
- "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
Soundtrack album
A soundtrack album was released by RCA Records at the time of the special's premiere. It contained all of the songs featured in the special, with the strange exception of "Wonderful Day". Originally released as an LP, the soundtrack album would be reissued on cassette and CD between 1992 and 2001.
Home video releases
Airings of the special in the early 2010s cut out Alvin's dream sequence with Clyde Crashcup.
Voice actor | Character |
Ross Bagdasarian Jr. | Alvin Seville Simon Seville Dave Seville |
Janice Karman | Theodore Seville Angela Waterford Cindy Lou |
June Foray | Mrs. Waterford Mrs. Claus |
Frank Welker | Santa Claus Doctor |
Charles Berendt | Clyde Crashcup |
R.J. Williams | Tommy Waterford |