"A Merry Mocap Musical" is the second Christmas-themed episode of the Disney XD animated series Pickle and Peanut. It premiered on the Disney XD on December 2, 2017, alongside "Tree Lighting".
In Illinois, Peanut stops by a rest stop and leaves Scampy's brothers in the van, the brothers decide to hunt down a giant American marmot in front of the rest stop and it falls and destroys the van. American actress Melissa Joan Hart notices the guy's problem and offers to help them by giving them a ride on her cross country zip line to New York, the brothers insult Melisa and she goes off without them and Peanut gets mad. Pickle informs them that a bus will be there in 5 minutes and Peanut tells them to wait and to behave. Once on the bus, Peanut notice the brothers didn't get on the bus and starts to look for them, he finds them trying to enter the sewer and he apologizes, while he's doing that, the bus takes off without them and Peanut takes the brothers to quickly find away to get on the bus and to New York City. At New York City, they're informed that Christmas was two weeks ago and Scampy tells them that it's ok because they're on time to make New York City the new capital of the sewer people.
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