"A Top Wing Christmas" is the special Christmas episode of Top Wing, Nickelodeon's CGI-animated developed-for-television show produced and aired as the seventeenth episode of its second season.
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The Cadets celebrate Christmas with Penny's penguin family; when Santa crashes on his way to deliver the penguin's presents, the Cadets have to rescue Santa and Penny's little brother.
Voice Director/Casting Director: Marilyn McAuley, C.D.C.
Voice actor/actress | Character |
Colin Doyle | Speedy |
Bryn McAuley | Bea |
Lucas Kalechstein | Brody |
Abigail Oliver | Penny |
Ethan Pugiotto | Rod |
Tristan Mercado | Swift |
Additional voices TBD |
External links[]
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is a stub. Please help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this article. |