"A Very Pug Christmas" and "The Latke Kerfuffle" is the first two Christmas-themed episodes of Disney Junior/Wild Carnary's animated show Puppy Dog Pals, produced and aired on the Disney Channel as the twentith episode of its first season. The latter episode also celebrates Hanukkah.
A Very Pug Christmas[]
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
On Christmas Eve, Bingo and Rolly help Santa search for Bob's Christmas present when it goes missing in the sleigh.
The Latke Kerfuffle[]
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
Bingo and Rolly help Bob make latkes for their neighbor Chloe's Hanukkah party.
Aside from the show's signtaure theme song and its signature song "Going on a Mission".
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Issac Ryan Brown | Bingo |
Harland Williams (creator/cons. prod.) |
Bob |
Jessica DiCicco | Hissy Chicken #2 |
Sam Lavagnino | Rolly |
Leslie David Baker | Rufus |
Huey Lewis | Bulworth |
Tom Kenny | ARF Bumble |
Jeff Bennett | Cagey Chloe's Dad Steve |
Tara Strong | Chloe's Mom Lead Chicken |
Jill Talley | Cupcake Cow |
Serenity Brown | Dash |
Yvette Brown | Daisy |
Ryder Cohen | Duke |
Henry Winkler | Santa |
Emma Shannon | Chloe |
See also[]
- "A Santa for Bob"
- "A Christmas Mission in Toyland / Nine Lights Tonight"
- "Wrap Party Pups" / "Fixing Santa's Sleigh"