"Adventures of the Ghoul Squad: Howliday Edition" is a four-part Christmas-themed episode of the short-lived animated webshow Monster High: Adventures of the Ghoul Squad, based on the girl-orientated doll-line by Mattel, produced and released as its final four episodes (the eleventh through the fourteenth).
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After Draculaura learns about holidays and secretly observing a human family celebrating, she convinces the Monster High students that it is time for monsters to come up with their own holiday.
- Part 1: "The First Howliday" (January 19, 2018)
- Part 2: "Sister Shock" (January 26, 2018)
- Part 3: "All Howl-ows Eve" (February 2, 2018)
- Part 4: "Home for the Howlidays" (February 9, 2018)
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Evan Smith | Deuce Gorgon Gillington Webber |
Cristina Milizia | Abbey Bominable |
Debi Derryberry | Draculaura |
Salli Saffioti | Clawdeen Wolf Cleo de Nile |
Cassandra Morris | Frankie Stein Venus McFlytrap |
Larissa Gallagher | Lagoona Blue |
Ben Diskin | Gob |
Michael Sorich | Dracula |
Cindy Robinson | Operetta |
Cristina Milizia | Fangelica VanBat Woolee Moanica D'Kay |
Paloma Rodriguez | Toralei Stripe |
Jonquil Goode | Twyla Boogeyman |
Karen Strassman | Alivia Stein Catty Noir |
Sara Cravens | Harriet Wolf |
Jonquil Goode | Ari Hauntington |
External links
- Monster High Wiki: Adventures of the Ghoul Squad: Howliday Edition
- "Part 1: The First Howliday" at the Internet Movie Database
- "Part 2: Sister Shock" at the Internet Movie Database
- "Part 3: All Howl-ows Eve" at the Internet Movie Database
- "Part 4: Home for the Howlidays" at the Internet Movie Database
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