"Bark! The Herald Angels Sing" is the first Christmas episode of the Disney Channel sitcom Dog With a Blog, originally aired on December 2, 2012 (along with "A Duncan Christmas" and "Merry Merry It Up").[1] The title is a reference to the classic Christmas song "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing".
With Christmas coming up Avery is getting nervous because Ellen has always given her gifts she hates. When Avery finds out that she is excited. But Ellen is upset because she likes giving surprise ones and is able to convince Bennett to do so that year much to Avery's dismay. Later she gets Tyler and Chloe in her room and tells them about Ellen's bad ones. They are horrified of some of them and decide to find the ones she has gotten that year so they can get the horror out of their system. However Avery is surprised when Tyler and Chloe get good ones. Hoping to get a good one this year she is disappointed when she gets a Christmas poncho instead. Ellen overhears her saying how much she hates it. She apologizes to Ellen who becomes determined to get her a good one. On Christmas morning they both are nervous about it. When Avery finds out it's a gift card she is happy because that's what she wanted. The episode ends when their neighbor, Phil Trummer, who they don't like, comes believing Bennett wrote him a letter inviting him over not knowing Stan was the one who did so and teaches them how to dance.