"Bramley Holiday" is the Christmas episode of the Nickelodeon animated series It's Pony. It is the sixteenth episode produced for the show's first season, and also notably the show's first full-length half-hour episode. It was also unfortunately the show's last episode to premiere on the main Nickelodeon network. It was nominated for the 2022 Kidscreen Award for Best Holiday or Special Episode, but lost to the Craig of the Creek episode "Winter Break".
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The Bramleys need to find a way to celebrate their annual festive traditions and be together for the holidays.
Voice actor | Character(s) |
Jessica DiCicco | Annie Bramley Flight attendant |
Josh Zuckerman | Pony Bramley |
Abraham Benrubi | George Bramley |
India de Beaufort | Helen Bramley |
Mark Feuerstein | Mr. Pancks |
Carly Hughes | Baggage handler Carol singer |
Susanne Blakeslee | Ruth Bramley |
Bobby Moynihan | Brian |
Josh Keaton | Heston |
Tyler Anthony Davis | Performer |
External links[]
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