"Bug Nollig" is the Christmas-themed episode of the slice-of-life comedy-drama show Lu & The Bally Bunch.
Part 1[]
It's Bug Nollig season, and Lu is especially excited since she will finally be getting to meet her new baby cousin soon. Elodie and her father invite Lu to help transport blackberries to the market, and Lu happily agrees. While there, Lu, all her school friends, and even Etienne take part in throwing blackberries on a giant pinecone to decorate. Soon, it is time for Lu to go back to her house and meet her new baby cousin, Luka. But, Lu is saddened to find that Luka has not warmed up to her as well as she'd liked, and that her attempts to connect with him only result in him crying. Uncle Lorcan comforts her, saying that Luka is only a baby and still has some growing up to do. Lu puts her sadness aside and helps soothe Luka to sleep with a lullaby
Part 2[]
The next day, Lu is trying her hardest to practice her solo for the Bug Nollig concert at Shell School later that day, but keeps getting interrupted by Luka's crying. At first, she is annoyed but grows happier when she realizes that Uncle Lorcan will be taking her to her Shell Stop for the day. At school, the bugs prepare for the concert, creating blackberry themed decorations and changing into their purple clothes. When the families arrive to watch, Lu is disappointed to find out that, due to Luka needing a diaper change, hers is the last one to come. And Lu's irritation doesn't stop there- just before she is able to sing her solo but, Luka starts to cry again, disrupting the entire concert. Lu is fed up with her baby cousin's behavior and runs away to hide.
Lorcan comes back to comfort her, saying that babies cry when they need something and that Luka didn't mean to disrupt her solo. All of the sudden, Luka burps, causing Lu to laugh and think of a new way to bond with him- playing peek-a-boo. Finally, Luka responds to her plea for connection by babbling and cooing, solidifying their bond for good. And just in time, as the puka-flies are about to make their entrance outside at the markets. Outside, the bugs decide to resume their concert outside, and Lu is finally able to sing her solo, ending off the first season of Lu & the Bally Bunch with a black.
- "Happy Bug Nollig"
- "Hush Baby Bug"
- "Bug Nollig Time"
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