"Christmas Story" is the first Christmas episode of the ABC sitcom Mr. Belvedere, based on the character "Belvedere" from the novel by Gwen Davenport, and aired as the eighth episode of the show's fourth season.
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The Owens family begins to prepare their home for Christmas, but strangely Mr. Belvedere seems anything but in the Christmas spirit. Wesley sneaks into his room and discovers the perfect gift for him, but even that may not be enough to cheer him up. Meanwhile, both Kevin and Heather would like to be anywhere but home for Christmas, which leads to a family feud that just may lead to George and Marsha canceling the entire Christmas celebration.
The episode was made available on the Mr. Belvedere: Season Four DVD set, released by Shout! Factory (under license from 20th Century Fox) on January 19, 2010.