"Christmas at the Tipton" is the Christmas episode of the Disney Channel sitcom The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. It debuted as a direct-to-video episode featured on the Disney Channel Holiday compilation VHS and DVD.
Zack and Cody plan to spend Christmas skiing with their father while their mother relaxes at a Mexican spa, but both vacations are put on hold due to multiple feet of snow falling outside the Tipton Hotel. There's plenty going on inside the building to keep everyone busy for the holidays, though. Efforts taken by Maddie to rig the hotel's Secret Santa gift exchange backfire even though she succeeds in assigning herself to London. Cody begins to suspect that his parents are going to get back together. Meanwhile, Mr. Moseby tries to keep everything under control when there's no more oil for the furnace.
The episode was made available on the Disney Channel Holiday compilation VHS and DVD, released on November 1, 2005.
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