"Christmas in July" is a Christmas-themed episode of Warner Bros. Animation/Cartoon Network preschool show Baby Looney Tunes, produced and aired as the second segment, paired with "Shadow of a Doubt". of the twelfth episode of its first season.
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The babies pretend it's Christmas to surprise Lola, who wants a stethoscope in order to play doctor, as it's too hot to play outdoors.
See also[]
- Tweety in "Gift Wrapped"
- Bugs Bunny's Looney Christmas Tales
- Bah, Humduck! A Looney Tunes Christmas
- The Looney Tunes Show: "A Christmas Carol"
- Bugs Bunny's 24-Carrot Holiday Special
- Bugs Bunny Builders: "Looneyburg Lights"
External links[]
- Looney Tunes Wiki: Christmas in July
- "Shadow of a Doubt"/"Christmas in July" at the Internet Movie Database