"Christmas in Oz" is the second Christmas episode of The Oz Kids. It, along with the rest of the series, including the preceding episode, "Who Stole Santa?", was released on October 1, 1996 as part of the launch of Paramount Means Family Entertainment campaign.
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After the events of "Who Stole Santa?", the Oz Kids' names are not included on the invite list for the upcoming Christmas celebration, Andrea and Otto try to teach the other party-goers a lesson. But will their plan backfire?
- The characters from The Brave Little Toaster [itself based on the 1980 Doubleday novella by Thomas M. Disch] make a cameo in this episode.
See also[]
- The Wonderful Galaxy of Oz: "Dorothy's Santa Claus"
- "Who Stole Santa?"
- Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz:
External link[]
- "Christmas in Oz" at the Internet Movie Database (as an episode)
- "Christmas in Oz" at the Internet Movie Database (as a video)