Christmas Specials Wiki
Christmas Specials Wiki

Discord is a former antagonist and supporting character on the animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Heavily inspired by Q from the Star Trek franchise, he is a male Draconequus who, prior to the events of the series, loves to create chaos all over Equestria until Princess Celestia and her sister Luna imprisoned him with a stone spell so he wouldn't do more. In the two-part second season premiere, "The Return of Harmony", he was unintentionally set free by the Cutie Mark Crusaders who were arguing during a field trip to the Canterlot gardens and resumed bringing more chaos to the land and tries to break up Twilight Sparkle and her friends with his magic, only to be defeated by them with the Elements of Harmony by turning him back to stone. Starting with the season three episode "Keep Calm and Flutter On", Celestia decided that Discord has a chance to reform himself and instructed the Mane Six to set him free and he soon slowly learned to come to good terms with them and became good friends with Fluttershy. Afterwards, he occasionally tests his friendship with the Mane Six throughout the series' run.

Appearances in Christmas specials[]

Discord was originally set to appear in the show's third Christmas episode "A Hearth's Warming Tail" playing a character based on Jacob Marley, but his scene was cut for time. He eventually appeared in the show's Christmas special My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever where he helps Rainbow Dash look for the perfect Heart's Warming gift for Fluttershy.

External links[]

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