"Disney Channel Fa-La-La-Lidays Celebrates a Radio Disney Family Holiday" is a half-hour special on the Disney Channel that originally aired on December 4, 2015. It is a holiday-music filled variety show featuring singers from Radio Disney including the star of Girl Meets World, Sabrina Carpenter and featuring special guest stars Andy Grammer, Charlie Puth, Jacob Whitesides, Forever In Your Mind, Mickey Guyton, Sofia Carson, and Karan Brar
This special features performances by Sabrina Carpenter, Andy Grammer, Jacob Whitesides, Charlie Puth, Forever In Your Mind, and Mickey Guyton in Disney Channel Fa-la-la-lidays.
Actor | Character |
Sabrina Carpenter | Herself - Host |
Sofia Carson | Herself - Guest |
Andy Grammer | Himself - Guest |
Jacob Whitesides | Himself - Guest |
Mickey Guyton | Herself - Guest |
Charlie Puth | Himself - Guest |
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