"Don't Be Elfish" is the Christmas-themed episode of the Disney animated television series The Lion King's Timon and Pumbaa, originally aired on Toon Disney as the first half of the twenty-eighth episode in the show's third and final season. The episode title is a play on the phrase, "don't be selfish".
Timon and Pumbaa are at a mall at Christmas time looking through a video game store, where they see the new Vinchenzo 64 console on display. They both want it, but can't afford to buy it. Pumbaa then sees a sign saying that the mall needs someone to play Santa Claus and suggests that they get jobs as Santa and one of his helpers so that the real Santa will give them presents for entertaining little kids. Timon reluctantly agrees to this, only because he figures they can buy the game console with their paycheck.
As an elf, Timon's job is to look after the kids waiting in line to talk to Santa, and giving them some candy canes. However, he grows progressively annoyed with the kids in line. Additionally, every time he's about to mention "Christmas", a group of carolers keep showing up and singing the word in harmony, causing him to jump in shock each time. Eventually, a kid keeps trying to cut in line despite Timon telling him not to do so. After the third time the kid cuts in line, Timon warns him and the other children that if they keep this up, he's going to tell Santa not to give them any presents except a gift certificate for the homework store. The meerkat is proud of himself for what he just did and decides that there should be some changes.
Timon makes the children pamper him and he becomes very demanding, especially to a little girl whom he tells that he will officially close the line if she doesn't bring him cookies, then not allowing her to ever see Santa when she doesn't give him the right kind of cookies. Pumbaa steps in and says to Timon that the real Santa likely will not be forgiving of this. Then one of the real Santa's elves shows up and scolds Timon for the way he's treating the kids, saying that he's ruining the big guy's brand image. When the meerkat doesn't seem to care, the elf reveals to him that he's on the naughty list and disappears. This causes Timon to realize that Santa does exist and that he's never gotten any presents due to his bad behavior throughout the years. He then decides to get into the Christmas spirit and "give till it hurts!"
Timon starts doing a lot of good deeds at the mall, which include dressing as a doll for a little girl when the display stand runs out of dolls, directing traffic, wrapping Christmas gifts, and eating one of the fruitcakes an elderly woman is selling (encouraging the other customers to buy them). He even tries to prevent the mall's Christmas tree from falling when its stand breaks. At the end of the day, Pumbaa hands Timon his paycheck, but Timon now cares more about being nice than earning money. He decides to donate his check to charity; after doing so, the elf appears, saying, "Now you've done it!... You've made the big guy proud!", and gives the meerkat the Vinchenzo 64 console he wanted.
Later, Timon, Pumbaa, and the elf are at the video game store playing the Vinchenzo 64 when suddenly the Christmas carolers show up and once again scare Timon with their singing. Timon, having had enough of this running gag, launches a missile from the video game at the carolers. The elf glares at Timon for that, to which the meerkat says that he has all year to make the nice list again.
- When the episode was released on Disney Channel on Demand in December 2015, Timon launching the missile at the carolers was cut out, yet the closing shot of the elf glaring at Timon was left in, resulting in Timon's closing line no longer making sense.
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Kevin Schon | Timon Berkowitz |
Ernie Sabella | Pumbaa Smith |
Jess Harnell | Santa's Elf Male children Carolers |
Kath Soucie | Female children Carolers Woman |
External Links[]
- The Lion King Wiki: Don't Be Elfish
- The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa Wiki: Don't Be Elfish
- "Don't Be Elfish" at the Internet Movie Database
content from Wikipedia (view authors). |