"Doug's Secret Christmas" is the second Christmas episode of the animated television series Doug, produced and aired as the fifteenth episode in the first season of the show's later run on ABC (which is the fifth season in total if one also counts the original Nickelodeon run). It originally aired as a prime-time special on December 14, 1996.
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With a new baby on the way, the Funnies are too busy to have a traditional Christmas and Doug really wants one. So he and Porkchop decide to have their own secret holiday celebration in his room. But when he later finds the house completely empty, Mr. Funnie phones with news, and Doug and Judy's new baby sister, Cleopatra Dirtbike Funnie, is born on Christmas Day. Meanwhile, Fentruck tells all his friends how they spend Christmas in Yakestonia.
Voice cast
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Tom McHugh | Doug Funnie |
Fred Newman | Porkchop Skeeter Valentine Bud Dink Fentruck Stimmel Cleopatra Funnie |
Constance Shulman | Patti Mayonnaise |
Chris Phillips | Roger Klotz |
Alice Playten | Beebe Bluff |
Doug Preis | Phil Funnie |
Becca Lish | Judy Funnie Theda Funnie |
Broadcast history
After its premiere in prime-time, "Doug's Secret Christmas" aired at least once each December on Disney's One Saturday Morning from 1997 to 2000, and later on Toon Disney from 2001 to 2004.
Walt Disney Home Video released the special on VHS on October 7, 1997. The tape also included a later episode from the show's first season, "Doug: Oh, Baby".
- The opening scene is a parody of How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
- The TV movie that Skeeter and his family are watching appears to be based on the events of (or actually be) the original series' first Christmas episode, "Doug's Christmas Story".
- Months prior to the special's premiere, the October 1996 issue of Disney Adventures magazine ran a contest asking fans to name the Funnies' new baby, who is born in the episode. The winning name, Cleopatra Dirtbike Funnie, was sent in by Brett Chatham, who received a drawing of himself with Doug and his friends as the prize.[1]
- ↑ "D.A. Buzz" column in Disney Adventures Volume 7, Number 8 (May 1997)
See also
External links
- Doug Wiki: Doug's Secret Christmas
- Disney Wiki: Doug's Secret Christmas
- "Doug's Secret Christmas" at the Internet Movie Database