"Elves for a Day" and "The Dreidel Dilemma" is the two Christmas episodes (fourth and fifth respectively) of Disney Junior's CGI-animated show Puppy Dog Pals, produced and aired as the fourth episode of its third season. Unlike the previous three episodes, it was animated at Rainbow CGI.
Elves for a Day[]
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When Bingo and Rolly learn that Santa’s elves are struggling to make the Christmas deadline, they go to the North Pole to lend a paw.
The Dreidel Dilemma[]
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
Keia enlists Bingo and Rolly’s help to bring Chloe’s special dreidel to her grandparents’ home.