"Epic Christmas" is the Christmas-themed episode of the short-lived Nickelodeon comedy series Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures, produced as the show's twenty-first episode. Although the episode was intended to air for the 2011 holiday season (and premiered in Canada that very year), Nickelodeon cancelled the series beforehand, resulting in the premiere being shelved to a later date. It ultimately aired as the first of eight previously unaired episodes, burned off on TeenNick through May 2013.
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It's Christmas Eve and Bucket is depressed that his family's annual Christmas trip to the mountains has been canceled. Despite Skinner's efforts to raise his best friend's spirits, Bucket wants nothing to do with celebrating Christmas at the beach. While sleeping, Bucket is visited by the Three Ghosts of Christmas who take him on a journey through the past, present and future. The ghosts show Bucket how his attitude about Christmas has affected his friends, and that the future could be changed forever if he doesn't partake in celebrating Christmas.
Actor/actress | Character |
Taylor Gray | Bucket |
Dillon Lane | Skinner |
Ashley Argota | Kelly |
Tiffany Espensen | Piper |
Glenn McCuen | Aloe |
George Back | Three Pieces |
External link[]
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