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Christmas Specials Wiki

"Father Christmas" is the fifth and final Christmas episode of the CBS sitcom The Jeffersons, aired as the tenth episode of the show's tenth season.


Refusing to go Christmas caroling with Louise, Helen, Florence, and Harry, George and Tom stay home decorating the tree. This prompts reminiscing about Christmases of the past spent with their fathers.

Tom's memory goes back to 1943, where as a child, he wishes he could for once spend Christmas with his parents as opposed to his Aunt Elizabeth and butler, James. Unfortunately, his hopes are dashed when he receives $1,200 and the grim news that his parents are going to San Francisco. All George seems to pay attention to is the amount of money Tom received, thus missing the whole point of the story.

George's memory goes back to 1941, where his unemployed father desperately seeks work. He is his optimistic self, predicting his cleaning store business and making an I.O.U. of all the things he plans to buy his parents when his ship comes in. Incidentally, his father doesn't get the job, but has a merry Christmas with him anyway. James Avery, best known as Uncle Phil on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, makes a cameo appearance as the landlord whom the elder Jefferson stands up to, in typical Jefferson fashion, withholding rent in exchange for better maintenance. Tom points out that at least George's father was there for him, despite not having anything, leading to a toast to their friendship.

When Louise, Helen, Florence, and Harry return from caroling, they find Tom and George asleep on the sofa, observing they'll "never know the real meaning of Christmas".


  • George's story takes place in 1941, even though earlier episodes suggest his father died in 1939, when he was 9 years old.

See also[]

Sony Pictures
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