"Happy Holiday Helpers" is the second Christmas episode of the Disney Channel CGI-animated series Mickey Mouse: Roadster Racers, produced and aired as the second segment of the twenty-third episode of the show's first season, paired up with "Happy Hot Diggity Dog Holiday!".
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Minnie, Daisy and Cuckoo Loca set up for their office Christmas party while dealing with other side jobs like digging out Grandpa Beagle's front door while Billy Beagle is busy, helping Clarabelle unblock her chimney, helping to untangle Mickey, Donald, Chip and Dale from the Christmas lights, and dressed as elves helping Goofy (as Santa Goofy) getting Christmas wishes to the kids at Zoomingdale's. But as time runs out for their Christmas party, they were surprised that Mickey and the rest of the citizens of Hot Dog Hills got their office set up in time for the annual Christmas party.
External link[]
See also[]
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: "Mickey Saves Santa"
- "Duck the Halls: A Mickey Mouse Christmas Special"
- "Happy Hot Diggity Dog Holiday!"
- Mickey Mouse: Hot Diggity Dog Tales: "The Lights Before Christmas"
- Chip N Dale: Nutty Tales: "Tinsel Tussle"
- Mickey and Minnie Wish Upon a Christmas
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