"Haus Arrest" is the Christmas episode of the ABC sitcom Dharma & Greg, aired as the twelfth episode of its first season. The title is a reference to the term "house arrest".
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Dharma's free spirit and maternal instincts are challenged when Greg's rebellious teenage niece Jennifer visits for the holidays and soon abuses her newfound friendship with her aunt. When Dharma discovers that Jennifer has invited a boyfriend over unannounced, she lowers the disciplinary boom — and Jennifer runs away. As punishment, Dharma and Jane take her along on a wacky shopping trip pretending to be monolingual German tourists, they are upset to discover that she has used them as a cover for actual shoplifting.
The episode was made available on the Dharma & Greg: The Complete 1st Season DVD set, released by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment on June 13, 2006.