Christmas Specials Wiki
Christmas Specials Wiki
Christmas Specials Wiki

Maxwell Davenport is the father of Andrea Davenport in the Disney Channel animated series The Ghost and Molly McGee. Maxwell is a businessman who is more concerned with his own superficial reputation and public image, than spending time with his family. He was also the owner of the Davenport store before it shut down.

Appearances in Christmas specials[]

In "Saving Christmas", it is shown that Mr. Davenport had gone great lengths to prove himself and became very rich off the family business, but had lost track of what really mattered to the point where he said "Christmas is a time to make money, not merry", and the typical layout of A Christmas Carol wasn't enough to scare the Scrooge out of him, but when Scratch dropped the act and did a more straightforward haunting with him, showing Andrea's unhappiness about not becoming the Snow Queen for the cancelled Snowflake Celebration in the process, Mr. Davenport saw the error of his ways (to an extent) and funded the event to make his "little button" happy again, and got some happiness of his own on account that, along with getting a warm and fuzzy feeling from doing the right thing, his good deed was "trending" via going viral online.

External links[]

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