Merry Christmas, Mr. Carroll (alternately titled "Alvin's Christmas Carol" on VHS) is the Christmas episode of the NBC animated series Alvin and the Chipmunks, produced by DiC Entertainment and aired as the thirteenth and last episode of the show's seventh season (under the title The Chipmunks).
Alvin has to do a report on the true meaning of Christmas by Christmas Eve, but as usual, he is thinking only of himself. Upset about his report, he carelessly speeds away on his bike and runs over the flowers planted by their neighbor, Mr. Carroll, whom he thinks is a grouch. Later, he is working on a rather huge list of stuff he wants for Christmas. Dave orders him to get to work on his paper route. He rushes that job, causing a paper intended for Mr. Carroll to be soaked. Mr. Carroll orders him to get him a fresh one or he'll file a customer complaint, which makes him late to deliver his list and forget to write his report.
Later, when Alvin falls asleep, he is suddenly visited by an older-looking Dave as the Spirit of Christmas Past. He brings Alvin back in time to when they lived in the ramshackle cabin from the show's pilot episode. On Christmas Day back then, the Chipmunks were only able to afford an eraser, pencil, and piece of paper as Dave's Christmas gifts, which inspired him to write their Christmas song.
Alvin recalls having a good time back then, when suddenly Theodore appears as the Spirit of Christmas Present. He shows Alvin that he's been so wrapped up in what he will get that he's been ignoring Dave's orders. He also shows him that Mr. Carroll is actually a widower with no family (aside from his pet cat, Ebenezer) to spend Christmas with and no way to connect with the world aside for the daily paper.
Alvin is surprised at what he's learned and does not want to see anymore, but then Simon appears as the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come. In the future Simon shows him, he eats the entire Christmas dinner (except brussell sprouts, which he hates), and when he goes to greet Grandma and Grandpa, he knocks them over and injures them. On Christmas Day, a bandaged Grandma and Grandpa tell him that the doctor said that they will be out of their casts by the end of April, which he thinks is perfect, because he'll have prepared his next Christmas list by then. Frightened by the monster he has become, he wakes up and vows to change his ways.
Afterwards, Alvin completes his report, does some Christmas shopping, decorates the house, helps Theodore in the kitchen, and helps Simon give a large gift to Dave. He also invites Mr. Carroll to spend Christmas with them.
Buena Vista Home Video released the episode on VHS under the alternate title of "Alvin's Christmas Carol" on September 29, 1993. Since 2005, it has been included on all DVD and Blu-ray releases of A Chipmunk Christmas.
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. | David Seville Alvin Simon Grandpa Seville |
Janice Karman | Theodore Grandma Seville |
Thom Watkins | Mr. Carroll |
See also[]
External links[]
- Munkapedia, the Alvin and the Chipmunks Wiki: Merry Christmas, Mr. Carroll
- "Merry Christmas, Mr. Carroll" at the Internet Movie Database