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"Merry Cloudmas" is a Christmas-themed episode of the DreamWorks Animation series TrollsTopia, released on Hulu and Peacock on September 2, 2021.


Poppy is decorating a cloud tree. Val and Holly come by and the former asks Poppy about the decorations. Poppy says she's glad that Val asked; she answers she has no idea. She just found a box full decorations, and she wasn't going to let a bunch like that sit. When she puts a light blue wreath on the cloud tree, Cloud Guy reveals himself as the one who pretended to be the decorations. He explains that those decorations are for a little holiday Clouds call "Cloudmas", which he claims to be the best, with the gifts, the games, the fluffy desserts; but most of all, it's that special time of year when clouds show kindness to the ones they care about most. And for him, that someone is Branch. Poppy laughs at his remark, starts decorating again, this time with help from Cloud Guy.

Cloud Guy says he's got a lot of options that he really wants to use to do something nice for Branch. First off, he gives the "little role-playing", throwing a pie in Poppy's face, then he throws another pie in Val’s face before throwing many more uncontrollably. Cloud Guy begins to cry after that. Soon, he's at a table with a basket of gifts. Cloud Guy calls Branch's favorite cologne "Cantankerous Underwellor for Men", and sprays it on himself, with his face looking like a gorilla in the result. He throws the basket away and he, Poppy, Holly, and Val jump out of the way just before it explodes. Later at Poppy's pod, she comes up with an idea.

The second option, at Poppy's suggestion, is to write a heartful note to Branch. Cloud Guy picks up a pencil and starts writing on a piece of paper, only to end up showing a drawing of Branch running away from a fish with legs. Because of the resulting picture, he starts crying and rips the drawing to pieces. Poppy lets Cloud Guy to try again, this time focusing on telling Branch how he feels. He writes it on a red piece of paper, but only goes with the "smile" part. Soon, his note is finished and gives it to Holly. She notes that his part is about "the bond you share lastin' through the ages", and tells him to write more. When Cloud Guy returns to writing, Val states that he misspelled "Frosty Trousers". Once he's finished, Cloud Guy waits nervously as Poppy, Val, and Holly look at the note. He cries again and runs off.

Outside, Branch is raking leaves near his bunker. Poppy, Holly, Val, and Cloud Guy are hiding in a bush, looking at what he's doing. The final step is to give Cloud Guy one minute before his impish nature kicks in. Cloud Guy goes over to Branch and gets shocked. Gasping, he says that he's trying to give him his Frosty Trousers. Cloud Guy tells to Branch about Cloudmas, holds out the note and Branch snatches it. He reads the note and Branch hugs Cloud Guy. Cloud Guy greets "Merry Cloudmas", lets go off Branch and started to leave.

Poppy tells Cloud Guy that one minute is also up, to which he says that he booked; he's about to wash and dry his socks. Cloud Guy then says that he loves to enter Branch's bunker. Branch guides Cloud Guy to the elevator, turns it on and they go down to his bunker. He offers Cloud Guy a refreshment and takes out a bucket of ice. Cloud Guy sees Branch whistling with his back turned as he pours some refreshments. He attempts to put a few blocks of the ice in Branch's shorts, only to interrupt himself as he opens a pocket in his body and pours the ice into it instead.

Next, Branch leads Cloud Guy to a room of pies. Just when Cloud Guy takes a pie and is about to throw it at Branch, the latter takes out another pie from the oven. Branch says that this pie is a traditional Cloudmas pie; he had to bake a lot of trial-and-error pies, but he thinks he finally got it right. Cloud Guy drops the pie he was carrying as Branch gives him a fork. He tastes the pie and a child's laughter is heard. Branch takes out his Frosty Trousers with a picture of himself and gives it to Cloud Guy.

As they both laugh, a song montage plays as they spend Cloudmas time together. The said montage ends with them sitting by the fire and toasting each other's mugs. Cloud Guy says that he had an amazing Cloudmas with Branch. When they stand up from their chairs, they get a pair of pies and throw them at each other. The episode closes with both of them saying that Cloudmas is over.


  • Amanda Leighton as Poppy
  • Skylar Astin as Branch
  • Lauren Mayhew as Val Thundershock
  • Megan Hilty as Holly Darlin'
  • Walt Dohrn as Cloud Guy


  • "Cloudmas Time Together"

External links[]

See also[]

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Live Action
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