Mr. Wolf is the main protagonist of The Bad Guys book series and the film of the same name. Based on The Big Bad Wolf from fairy tales, he is a laidback and charming individual. Due to his experience as a leader, he is calmer and more level-headed than the other members of the rambunctious crew. As a leader, Wolf is extremely loyal to his friends, is a smart, headstrong, and skilled tactician. He has extensive knowledge of the area within his crew's outreach, and as such must remain cool-headed and smart if he wants make a clean getaway. Wolf's skill set, leadership abilities and loyalty acquires him respect from both his allies and enemies. He always tries to go for a suave, cool attitude and is very laid-back and smooth-talking, even trying, at one point, to win back Diane Foxington's favor by "Clooneying" and seducing her, which she was having none of. In spite of his relaxed attitude and savoir-faire, he still has his instances losing his temper.
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