"Parker Saves Christmas" is a special half-hour Christmas episode of the Nickelodeon Imaginary animated show Middlemost Post, produced as the eighteenth episode, but aired as the ninth episode, of its first season. Its existence was confirmed in a Twitch livestream interview with the people working on the show.
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When Santa gets injured during a stop on Mt. Middlemost, Parker, Angus, and Russell help finish his deliveries.
Voice actor | Character |
Becky Robinson | Parker J. Cloud |
John DiMaggio | Angus Shackleton III |
Robby Riggle | Santa Claus |
External links[]
- Middlemost Post Wiki: Parker Saves Christmas
- "Parker Saves Christmas" at the Internet Movie Database
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is a stub. Please help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this article. |