Richard Coombs is a British puppeteer who has performed on several Creature Shop and Muppet projects. He is also a professional Punch and Judy performer. He is also known for being Cedric Montague Sludge of The Spooks of Bottle Bay, various characters of Mortimer and Arabel like Ebenezer Jones, Raggs of Hotch Potch House, Domby of Play With Me Sesame UK, for operating Destiny the Afghan Hound of Mongrels and for working on ABBA's The Last Video.
Christmas filmography[]
- Spitting Image: "A Non-Denominational Spitting Image Holiday Special" (1987) - puppeteer
- Mortimer and Arabel: "The Bank Ghost" (1994) - Ebenezer Jones
- The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017) - Punch & Judy