Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys is a CGI direct-to-video movie, produced and directed by Bill Kowalchuck, and adapted by Michael Aschner from the original story by Kevin Hoops, that was originally released to home video on October 30, 2001. Although following up the 1998 animated movie, it is actually a sequel to the Rankin/Bass Christmas special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. It was produced by GoodTimes, with Tundra Productions, Inc., animated at Colorland Animation in China using Maya. The voice cast included Rick Moranis, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Richard Dreyfuss.
Rudolph, not satisfied with being a "novelty act" performing tricks with his nose, travels with Hermey to the Island of Misfit Toys to give King Moonracer a root canal. A storm sends Rudolph and Hermey to Castaway Cove where Rudolph considers having his nose made more normal-looking by a hippopotamus named Queen Camilla. However, Hermey doesn't feel that the change would sit well with Clarice, who is also being taught to fly.
Meanwhile, the evil Toy Taker is stealing all of the toys from the island, including Santa's workshop, claiming that he's saving them from the inevitable fact that children eventually outgrow their toys and throw them away. However, Charlie-in-the-Box refuses to believe this thinking the Toy taker is nothing but a low life crook.
Rudolph has a plan to foil the Toy Taker's plan by disguising themselves as toys. The blimp arrives and manages to steal them along with the Misfit Toys, all except for Bumble, who is too big to fit into the blimp so he follows on a floating iceberg. Rudolph tries to talk to a new misfit toy, a kite who is scared of heights and wakes him up from his hypnosis, but fails.
The Toy Taker hears all the chatter, and realizing there are intruders, catches Rudolph, Clarice, Yukon, and Hermey, and they fall down. Before they can meet their demise, Rudolph and Clarice fly to save them. They head back into the blimp, with Yukon chasing after the Toy Taker, Hermey piloting the blimp, and Rudolph and Clarice doing their best to wake up the toys from their hypnosis once again. Yukon finally chases the Toy Taker up to the top of the blimp. When a boomerang who doesn't come back swoops by Yukon, he loses his balance and falls. Rudolph and Clarice confront the Toy Taker, with Rudolph's nose blinding him during the confrontation helping.
The Toy Taker flees and parachutes his way down to Yukon's peppermint mine in hopes of escaping Rudolph and Clarice. Due to the holes in the blimp, Hermey loses control. Luckily, Bumble is there to save Yukon, Hermey and the blimp before any further damage can be made. The reindeer are still chasing the Toy Taker until he pulls a switch and follows the reindeer from behind. After this the toy taker threw lanterns at Rudolph and clarify so he foul escrow them but Rudolph captured him, Rudolph and Clarice eject themselves from the cart and have to Santa, Mrs. Claus, Bumble, Yukon, and the gang arrive just in time to see Rudolph and Clarice in the mines safe and sound. However, the Toy Taker tries to escape again, but Yukon manages to lasso him up with Hermey's floss. Upon removing the coat and hat, it is revealed he is none other than a teddy bear named Mr. Cuddles, with loose stuffing coming out from him, standing on stilts. He apologizes and tells them he used to belong to a boy named Steven, who outgrew him and threw him away. After this, he became the Toy Taker to save the other toys from being thrown away after their owners outgrew them. Santa explains that while it is true that some children outgrow their toys, he knows Steven is looking for him.
Rudolph and his friends agree to bring him there and have Queen Camilla fix him to cheer him up. They do so, and Rudolph, considering about turning his nose normal, decides to keep his nose the way it is. Santa leaves to deliver the presents at their first house where Mr. Cuddles gets delivered. Santa tells him that Steven didn't mean to throw him away, but was saving him as a family gift. He then places him in the bed of Steven's new daughter who awakens to cuddle up with him, as Mr. Cuddles declares this the happiest day of his life, Steven walks into the room to check on his daughter. As he smiles Santa flies off into the night.
In a post-credits scene, the Boss Elf visits Hermey in the Toothmobile for a dentist appointment.
- "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" - Tony Bennett
- "Beyond the Stars"
- "Keep Your Chin Up"
- "The Island of Misfit Toys"
- "Beautiful Like Me"
- "The Toy Taker"
- "Mr. Cuddles"
- "The Best Christmas Ever"
Broadcast history[]
The film was aired as part of the annual 25 Days of Christmas programming block on ABC Family (which is now Freeform) from 2004 to 2013.
- On the ABC Family airings, the following edits were made:
- Part of "The Toy Taker" song was shortened a bit to remove both the Ghandi reference and movement.
- The later split-screen credits ends after the credits scroll up. Early airings retained the post-credit and GoodTimes logo.
- The German dub opens with the prologue that briefly recaps Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie which surges into the opening shot. The opening credits is in the different font, and the closing credits scrolls over the still of the last shot.
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Richard Dreyfuss | Scoop T. Snowman (speaking) |
Jamie Lee Curtis | Queen Camilla (speaking) |
Rick Moranis (speaking) Don Brown (laughing) Bruce Roberts (singing) |
The Toy Taker (speaking) |
Kathleen Barr | Rudolph Mrs. Claus Dolly Peggy the Pig Female Cardinal Tooth Fairy Rocking horse Adina |
Scott McNeil | Hermey Yukon Cornelius Boomerang Comet Duck |
Garry Chalk | Santa Claus The Abominable Snowmonster |
Colin Murdock | King Moonracer Reindeer #1 |
Brent Miller | Hank |
Lee Tockar | Charlie-in-the-Box Wind-up mouse Gingerbread guard |
Terry Klassen | Telephone Dizzy top |
Alec Willows | Kite (speaking) Additional characters |
External links[]
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys at the Internet Movie Database
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys at the Movie Database
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys at the Big Cartoon DataBase
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys at Behind the Voice Actors
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