Sam Sharp is a recurring character from the Nickelodeon animated series The Loud House. She is Luna Loud's girlfriend and also one of her bandmates in their group, the Moon Goats. Sam shares Luna's interest in rock music, and also enjoys organic juices, sailing and rock climbing, but isn't very good at baking, dancing or laser tag. She also gets along well with all animals and is the head volunteer worker at Royal Woods' animal shelter.
After not appearing in either of the animated show's Christmas episodes (in fact, the first one, "11 Louds a Leapin'", came well before her introductory episode, "L is for Love"), Sam has a role in the series' live-action Christmas film, A Loud House Christmas, though she only has a brief appearance onscreen. Early on in the movie, Luna mentions that Sam has invited her to go skiing with her family on Christmas. Sam is seen later on when Luna seemingly gets a phone message from her idol Mick Swagger (actually sentence-mixed audio by Lincoln and Clyde as part of Lincoln's plan to keep his family together for Christmas), saying he's coming to Royal Woods and inviting her to join him for a jam session. Luna is eager to accept the "invite", but Sam isn't so happy about this, as she was really hoping for her girlfriend to join in her family's ski trip. This unfortunately leads to Sam breaking up with Luna, resulting in Luna being too depressed to celebrate Christmas with her family. At the end of the movie, after everything has been cleared up, Lincoln tells the viewers that Luna's going to go skiing with Sam after all, indicating that the two have gotten back together.