"Sandy's Country Christmas" is the fourth Christmas episode of the Nickelodeon animated series SpongeBob SquarePants, produced as the thirteenth and last episode of the show's fourteenth season. It was released early on the SpongeBob SquarePants: Another 100 Episodes DVD box set, and is set to premiere on Nickelodeon on a currently unknown date in December 2024. Like "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!" before it, the episode is animated in stop-motion animation.
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
When one of Sandy's experiments goes awry, the Cheeks family team up to save Christmas in Bikini Bottom!
Voice cast[]
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Tom Kenny | SpongeBob SquarePants Narrator Old Man Walker Slappy/Snow Slappy Customer #2 Crowd Jellyfish Bikini Bottomites |
Bill Fagerbakke | Patrick Star Customer #2 Crowd Customers |
Rodger Bumpass | Squidward Tentacles Customer #1 Crowd Customers Bikini Bottomites |
Clancy Brown | Mr. Krabs Crowd Customers Bikini Bottomites |
Carolyn Lawrence | Sandy Cheeks Girl Crowd Customers Bikini Bottomites |
Doug Lawrence | Larry the Lobster Guy |
Lori Alan | Pearl |
Lewis Black | Santa Claus |
Mary Jo Catlett | Mrs. Puff |
Grey DeLisle | Granny Cheeks Ma Cheeks Rosie Cheeks Rowdy Cheeks |
Johnny Knoxville | Randy Cheeks |
Craig Robinson | Pa Cheeks |
Grey Griffin | Ma Cheeks Rowdy Cheeks Rosie Cheeks Granny Cheeks |
Robin Walsh | Herself - Puppeteer |
See also[]
- "Christmas Who?"
- "It's a SpongeBob Christmas!"
- Kamp Koral: "The Ho! Ho! Horror!"
- The Patrick Star Show: "Just in Time for Christmas"
- "SpongeBob's Road to Christmas"
- Twas the Night Before Spongemas
- A Very Patchy Holiday Stream Special
External links[]
- Encyclopedia SpongeBobia: Sandy's Country Christmas
- "Sandy's Country Christmas" at the Internet Movie Database