"Santa's Little Harpers" is the Christmas episode of the Nickelodeon original series Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn. It premiered alongside The Thundermans episode "Winter Thunderland" and the AwesomenessTV episode "The Thank You Mask".
The quads want the newest video game console for Christmas, so Tom and Anne make them work at the store to earn the money so they can buy it. But it becomes every kid for themselves as they compete over the tip money and Dawn loses a kid.
- Lizzy Greene as Dawn Harper
- Casey Simpson as Ricky Harper
- Mace Coronel as Dicky Harper
- Aidan Gallagher as Nicky Harper
- Allison Munn as Anne Harper
- Brian Stepanek as Tom Harper
- Gabrielle Elyse as Josie Cooper
- Cooper J. Friedman as Frankie Cuppertino
- McKenzie Hashimoto as Charlie
- Allison Robertson as Mrs. Cuppertino
- Paisley Scott as Toby
- Hudson West as Billy
External links[]
- Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn Wiki: Santa's Little Harpers
- "Santa's Little Harpers" at the Internet Movie Database
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