The Christmas episode of the Disney Channel's short-lived sketch comedy show So Random! (based upon show-within-a-show on Sonny With A Chance) premiered on December 4, 2011. It featured Justin Bieber as the guest star.
The Gift Of Grammar[]
MC Grammar raps about grammar and Christmas as two rappers wait for the Mall Santa Claus.
The Platowski Brothers' Christmas Album[]
The Platowski brothers get a new Christmas album where they sing parodies of favourite Christmas songs about hate for each other. Songs featured "Dwayne is a nerd.", "Calvin smells.", Oh wah wah wah wah, oh wah wah wah wah," and "I wish you were someone different."
Coolest Kid In School: Part 7[]
The announcer lists things about the coolest kid in school once again.
Raised By Beavers[]
A girl raised by beavers wants to get her two front teeth removed but has a dream and decides to keep them instead because it makes her special by her crush raised by donkeys.
Coolest Kid In School: Part 8[]
Once again the announcer lists good qualities about the coolest kid in school
Harry Christmas from VoldeMart[]
VoldeMart is selling holiday products like "Malibu Voldie" which doesn't sell well while the Harry Potter Dolls are selling well. He even gets a visit from Harry Potter.
- "Mistletoe" (from Arthur Christmas) - Justin Bieber