The Borrowers is a Christmas-themed BBC TV movie, based on Mary Norton's novel series, that premiered on Boxing Day 2011. It is an official South African-Germany co-production from WTTV in association with NBCUniversal International Television Production.
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It is about a family of small people who live under the floorboards of Granny Driver who have to flee to the big wide world and escape the clutches of an obsessive scientist before Christmas.
Actor/actress | Character |
Christopher Eccleston | Pod Cloch |
Sharon Horgan | Horny Cloch |
Aisling Loftus | Artistry Cloch |
Robert Sheehan | Spiller |
Victoria Wood | Granny Driver |
Stephen Fry | Professor Mildeye |
Shaun Dooley | Robert Millinail |
Charlie Hiscock | James Millinail |
Anne Hirsch | Jenny |
Marina Seane | Karen Richards |
Jane Hill | Herself - BBC News Reporter |
Jonathan Blake | Himself BBC Reporter |
Catherine Burns | Herself - Radio Voiceover |
External links[]
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