"The Christmas Letter Express" is an upcoming hour-long Christmas special of Treehouse/Nelvana's animated show Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go (a preschool spinoff based on “Thomas & Friends”), based on The Railway Series by the Rev W. Awdry, that will premiere for the 2024 holiday season. It will feature three brand new original songs.
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
Percy discovers a child's letter to Santa Claus forgotten at the bottom of his mail cart on Christmas Eve, but he is determined to make things right, even if that means tracking down Mr. Claus himself! With help from Thomas and his friends, Percy travels through dazzling parades, sweet-smelling gingerbread bakes, and snowflake flurries on a quest to deliver the letter to Santa and make a child's Christmas wish come true.
Voice cast[]
Known to appear so far
USA | Characters | U.K. |
Kai Harris | Thomas | Aaron Barashi |
Neil Crone | Gordon | Will Harrison-Wallace |
Charlie Zeltzer | Percy | Henri Charles |
Luke Henry | James | Tom Dussek |
Joe Pingue | Whiff | Matt Coles |
Talia Evans | Nia | Sade Smith |
Will Bhaneja | Diesel | Henry Harrison |
Ava Ro | Kana | Chloe Raphael |
Jenna Warren | Carly | Eva Mohamed |
Chuck Smith | Bruno | Elliott Garcia |
Bruce Dow | Harold | Jai Armstrong |
See also[]
• This is the first movie of the “Thomas & Friends” franchise to be centred around Christmas
• The Plot and the events of this movie may be inspired by the 2011 movie “Arthur Christmas” or the 2004 movie “The Polar Express”, though it may not be true.