The Doc McStuffins Christmas Special, not to be confused with the show's previous Christmas special "A Very McStuffins Christmas", is the second Christmas special of the Disney Junior animated series Doc McStuffins, originally aired as part of the show's fifth and final season (as Doc McStuffins: Pet Rescue). It is the last episode of the show to be written from scratch by the show's creator Chris Nee (confirmed on Twitter).
This page about a Christmas special or an episode from a television series with a Christmas theme is in need of a longer synopsis. You can help the Christmas Special Wiki by expanding this synopsis. |
Doc and the toys travel back in time to the North Pole to save Christmas.
- "One Toy at a Time" (from "Doc's Busy Day")
- "Christmas is Coming"
- "Christmas Miracle"
Voice actor/actress | Character(s) |
Loretta Devine | Hallie |
Laya Hayes | Doc McStuffins |
Jess Harnell | Chilly Wicked King |
Lara Miller | Lambie |
Robbie Rist | Stuffy |
Dee Bradley Baker | Robot Ray Truck |
Rylee Alazraqui | Agnes Girl |
Roger Bumpass | Army Al |
Grey Griffin | Dress-Up Daisy Baby Caroline |
Jeffrey Brown | Bronty Ben |
Laraine Newman | Professor Hootsburgh Southwest Sal |
Kimberly Brooks | Mom Surfer Girl |
Gary Anthony Williams | Dad Construction Worker |
Dawnn Lewis | Grandma |
Andre Robinson | Donny McStuffins |
Kari Wahlgren | Maya Darla French Girl |
Lucinda Clare | Queen Amina |
Colleen O'Shaughnessey | Pickles Agnes' Mom Townswoman |
Leslie Grossman | Nurse Riley |
Michael Gough | Officer Pete Townsman |
Bernardo De Paula | Saltwater Serge |
Aiden McGraw | Boy |
Rob Paulsen | Sir Kirby Townsman |
Tony Hale | Tobias |
Justin Bowler | Santa |
Vicki Lewis | Tundra |