"The Girls of Christmas Past" is the Christmas episode of the Disney Channel original series Best Friends Whenever, originally aired as part of the network's annual Fa-La-La-Lidays programming event on December 6, 2015.
Things spin out of control when Cyd travels back to Christmas the year before to try and figure out the perfect gift for Shelby. Meanwhile, Barry and Naldo's Winter Wonderland experiment sparks an elf war with Bret and Chet leading the charge.
Actor | Character |
Lauren Taylor | Shelby Marcus |
Landry Bender | Cyd Ripley |
Gus Kamp | Barry Eisenberg |
Ricky Garcia | Naldo Montoya |
Benjamin Royer | Bret Marcus |
Matthew Royer | Chet Marcus |
Kevin Symons | Norm Marcus |
Mary Passeri | Astrid Marcus |
Brandon Shaw | Officer |