The King of Kings is an upcoming animated feature based on a story by Charles Dickens about the life of Jesus Christ. The movie, which is directed by Seong-ho Jang, is described as a faith-based project, inspired by a posthumously published story by Dickens. According to the filmmakers, the feature, which is almost finished, will showcase a top-notch voice cast.
The King of Kings will center on the popular British author and his youngest song Walter as they become immersed in Dickens’ story The Life of Our Lord. The reading of the tale was a holiday tradition in the Dickens’ home, although the story was not published until 1934, decades after the author’s death in 1870. In the movie, Dickens and his son and their cat Willa become engaged in the story of Jesus and his mission. The result is described as “an animated film that makes the biblical journey easily relatable, readily understood and captivatingly entertaining for families.
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