"The Night Before Zipsmas" is the first half of the Christmas-themed episode of the Playhouse Disney series Jungle Junction. It and its partner episode, "A Gift for Zooter", aired on Playhouse Disney in the UK and US on December 5, 2009.
It's Zipsmas Eve (Jungle Junction's version of Christmas) and the animals all decorate the jungle. The Beetlebugs are making a figgy-pudding. Bobby puts a star on top of the clock tower, but falls and then Crocker has a star-shaped tutu. Everyone pitches in to help prepare for Zipsmas. Dozer collects coconuts. Bobby puts the star up withour falling and puts the lights up. Taxicrab's smoothies machine makes fake snow. The lights turn on. The animals put their Thingums (stockings) up. They read The Night Before Zipsmas. The animals go to bed and Ellyvan, Zooter and Bungo see Elly-Santa.
- "Gotta Zip"
- "Jungle Bells"