The Santa Suit is a Hallmark Channel original movie that premiered on December 2, 2010, presented for Corus's W Network by Betafilm, and executive produced by Lewis B. Chester and David M. Perlmutter, as part of the channel's second annual Countdown to Christmas event. It was nominated for the 2011 DGC Team Award for Best TV Movie.
Hunter Toys CEO Drake Hunter turned his father's company from a cozy quality manufacturer into a ruthless, profitable business. After denying his staff any festive generosity again, the scrooge is suddenly and magically transformed into Kris Krandall. That forces him to work as a Santa in Norm Dobson's toy store, with weird would be-actor Sebastian. Drake reassesses his values and priorities in life.
Actor(s)/actress(es) | Character(s) |
Kevin Sorbo | Drake Hunter |
Derry Robinson | Kriss Krandal |
Jodie Dowdall | Nancy Baxter |
Rosemary Dunsmore | Marge |
Jason Blicker | Norm Dobson |
Darrell Faria | Sebastian |
Jennifer Gibson | Alicia |
Brianna D'Aguanno* | Gemma |
Paul Haywood | Darren Peen |
Ted Atherton | Bryce Hunter |
Randy Thomas | Cop #1 |
Sandra Caldwell | Judge |
Christian Potenza | Security Guard |
Kaelan Meunier | Young Hunter |
Drew Murphy | Sarah |
Robbie Fitzroy Ursula Drayton |
Children |
Gabriel Varga-Watt | Kid in Park #1 |
Luca Castricone Amy Correia Maximus Clements |
R.D. Kids |
Chris Chinchilla | Caroler |
Sydney Cross (uncredited) Jayden Greig (uncredited) |
Santa's Village Kids |
Tyler Curnew (uncredited) | Boy (Scared by Elf) |
Sophia Ewaniuk (voice; uncredited) |
* - Nominated for the 2011 Young Artist Award for Best Supporting Actress in a TV movie