Christmas Specials Wiki
Christmas Specials Wiki

The Spirit of Christmas, presented by Bell Telephone, is a Christmas television special performed mostly by marionettes which first aired in 1950. Its half-hour showing time is divided into two segments, one dramatizing "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and one telling the story of the Nativity. The jacket of the DVD version, which is sold for a donation of US $60 to WHYY-TV in Philadelphia calls it "The Philadelphia Holiday Classic," which refers to the region of the United States where it was originally broadcast.

In the 1950s and 1960's this special was aired multiple times per Christmas season, without commercial interruptions except for opening and closing remarks by "your telephone company" (Bell Telephone). It disappeared from the airwaves for several decades but recently has been aired on said public television station.

Mabel & Les Beaton, under their company, Stringtime Productions, produced this film circa 1950.

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