The Tom and Jerry Christmas Special was a 1987 animated/live action television compilation special that aired in prime-time on TBS. This holiday special was a spin-off of a programming block entitled Tom and Jerry's Funhouse on TBS. The Christmas Special's wraparounds were live-action segments hosted by Josh Jarboe and Audra Lee.
Featured shorts[]
# | Title | Studio | Year | Director |
1 | The Pups' Christmas | MGM | 1936 | Rudolf Ising |
2 | The Captain's Christmas | 1938 | Friz Freleng | |
3 | Peace on Earth | 1939 | Hugh Harman | |
4 | Bedtime for Sniffles | Warner Bros. | 1940 | Chuck Jones |
5 | The Night Before Christmas | MGM | 1941 | William Hanna Joseph Barbera |
6 | Mister and Mistletoe | Paramount | 1955 | Isadore Sparber |
- The credits incorrectly label The Night Before Christmas as being made in 1951 instead of 1941, and Bedtime for Sniffles is mistakenly attributed to Hugh Harman instead of Chuck Jones.
Cast & Crew[]
- Directed by Bud Wendling
- Hosts: Josh Jarboe & Audra Lee
- Produced by Paul Krimsier, Marilyn Ringo and Bud Wendling
- Cinematography by Ben Butin
- Copyright: 1987 Turner Broadcasting System
Although the six animated shorts featured in this special are available in various formats, the special itself has never been released on any format.
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