"We Two Kings" is the seventh Christmas episode of the NBC sitcom Frasier, aired as the tenth episode of the show's tenth season (though it is actually the season's eleventh episode in production order). The title is a reference to the song "We Three Kings".
Christmas is approaching, and everyone is in a festive mood. Roz is working at the mall as "Snowflake", one of Santa's elves, and actually has her eye on him (Dean Cain), even though she has yet to see him without his costume. Meanwhile, having dispatched Mrs. Moon on a cruise, Niles and Daphne invite Frasier and Martin to their place for Christmas. However, Frasier had already been making extensive plans for a family celebration at his apartment, and this leads to an argument between him and Niles. Martin eventually loses patience with them and decides to work over Christmas. Hating the idea of spending Christmas without him, Frasier and Niles apologize and organize a surprise for him, but not everything goes according to plan...
The episode was made available on the Frasier: The Complete 10th Season DVD set, released by CBS Home Entertainment through Paramount Home Entertainment on December 11, 2007. It will make its high-definition debut on the Frasier: The Complete Series Blu-ray set, to be released on November 8, 2022.
See also[]
- "Miracle on Third or Fourth Street"
- "Frasier Grinch"
- "Perspectives on Christmas"
- "Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz"
- "The Fight Before Christmas"
- "Mary Christmas"
- "High Holidays"
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