"White Christmess" is the second and last Christmas episode of the Disney Channel animated series The Ghost and Molly McGee, airing alongside the New Year's Day episode "Perfect Day" as the nineteenth episode of its second season (though it is actually the season's ninth episode in production order).
On Christmas Eve, the McGees are putting up their decorations while Scratch once again prepares for whatever it is he is going to eat this year. Molly reveals her plan to celebrate the holidays with the seniors that day. Scratch is bothered by this as he thought they would be going shopping. Darryl reveals that he is already speaking with his contacts for favors on gifts while Pete and Sharon have the kids' gifts wrapped up, but have opted not to get each other one this year, though Sharon clearly seems reluctant about it. Scratch realizes that he does not have a gift for Molly who believes that this Christmas Eve will be the best as there is currently a 99% chance it will snow.
When Molly greets the seniors, the percentage has gone down to 90%, though she is still unfazed. Scratch tries to get gift ideas from Darryl, Sharon, and Pete, but each of them are preoccupied, though he grows even more concerned as Molly is considered a great gift giver. Darryl is unable to get a reindeer for the seniors and settles for a llama, forcing Molly to convince him to make up a story about "Britta the Christmas Llama". She starts to notice that the chances of snow are slimming. Sharon continues to snoop around for gift ideas while Pete grows suspicious of her. Scratch turns to Geoff for gift ideas and they try to do a DIY project for her.
The DIY becomes a bust as both Scratch and Geoff are revealed to be bad at it. With no other option, Scratch decides to come clean to Molly who has been holding off on the seniors due to the lack of snow which is now listed of being -5%. When Molly exclaims that all she wanted was snow for the year, Scratch flies into the sky and creates snow for everyone to enjoy, though parts of him are in it. The seniors Christmas party turns out to be a success and Molly thanked Scratch for his gift. The very next day, the family all give each other gifts with Darryl getting everyone special (unseen) golden gifts through his favors (which he demanded them not to mention it to anyone, especially if the ambassador finds out), Sharon and Pete having gotten each one after all (a painting kit and apron, respectively), and Molly gives Scratch a gift card for Taco Tommy's.
See also[]
- Chronologically, this episode is set after "Frightmares on Main Street", the series' Halloween episode which aired in May of 2023; unlike "Frightmates", however, this episode was not aired early.
- The concept of a Christmas Llama is actually nothing new. Around 2018, llamas became a prominently featured animal during Christmas time and has slipped into modern decor. Coincidentally, December 9 is National Llama Day and has been held as far back as 1932.